Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
756 Index

High-energy phosphate degradation, 357
adenosine triphosphate, (ATP),, 359
ammonia, 357
hypoxanthine, 357
impact on seafood flavor, 359
inosine monophosphate, 359
Higher alcohols, 666
aliphatic, 666
aromatic, 667
High-pressure, 77
Hill coefficient, 162, 164
Hill equation, 162, 164
Hill plot, 164
Histamine. SeeAmines
poisoning, 4, 17
Histidine, 382
HMF, 83–84
Holoenzyme, 185
Homogeneous nucleation, 109
Homogenization, 599, 608–609
Homogentisic acid (HGA), 41–42
Honeycombing, 358, 371
Honey, 76–77, 82–83
Hordein, 575–577
Horse mackerel, 391
Hull, 568
Humidity, 113
absolute humidity, 113
dew point, 113
measurement, 113
relative humidity, 113
vapor pressure, 111, 113
Hydrate (clathrate), 121
Hydrogen bond, 108–112, 114, 121, 125–126, 179, 180,
Hydrogen peroxide, 384
Hydrogen sulfide, 673, 674
Hydrolases, 176, 201
Hydrologic cycle, 131
Hydroperoxide lyase, 15
Hydroperoxides, 88, 91
Hydrophilic substance, 115, 121
hydrophilic interaction, 126
Hydrophobic effect, 121
hydrophobic interaction, 126
Hydroxyglutarate, 670
Hydroxylation, 72–73
Hydroxymethyl furfural, 558, 559
Hydroxyphenyl-pyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD), 41
Hypoxanthine, 18, 383, 384

IAH1gene, 669
Ice cream, 129, 474
Ice, 110–113, 128, 130

amorphous ice, 111
cubic ice, 111
microwave and ice, 130
other phases of ice, 110
phase transition, 109, 111, 113
triple point, 114
vapor pressure of ice, 111
IDH1gene, 670
IDH2gene, 670
ILV pathway, 671, 672
Imitation shark fin, 234
Immobilization, 199, 208–212
adsorption, 197, 199, 200, 208, 209
covalent coupling, 208, 209
cross linking, 208–210
encapsulation, 208, 209, 211, 212
matrix entrapment, 208, 209
procedure, 210
cell technology, 675
enzymes, 208
sulfhydryl oxidase, 233
Immunological methods, 171
Immunomagnetic assays, 735
IMP. SeeInosine monophosphate
Inclusion bodies, 192, 195
Indian mackerel, 390
Indicator of freshness, biochemical, 359, 365
collagen degradation, 366
degradation of myofibrillar proteins, 366
dimethylamine formation, 366
drop in pH, 365
fatty acid accumulation, 366
hypoxanthine, 359, 365
inosine monophosphate, 359
K 1 value, 366
K-value, 365
lactic acid formation, 365
nucleotide catabolism, 365
textural changes, 366
Total volatile base, 359, 366
tyrosine accumulation, 366
xanthine oxidase, 365
Indirect assays, 167
Indolepyruvate, 667
fit hypothesis, 184, 186
fit theory, 156, 159
strain, 159
Infant formula, 82–83, 91, 475–476
Infrared methods, 27
Inhibitors, 189, 191, 201, 574–575, 578–580
-amylase, 575, 578
-amylase/subtilisin, 578
cereal trypsin/-amylase, 578

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