Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
Index 755

Germ, 568, 578, 581, 616, 618
Giardia, 697, 698
Gliadin, 617, 619, 629
Globulin, 617, 629, 574–575, 578
Gluconeogenesis, 500
Glucono-delta-lactone, 643
Glucan, 568, 570, 660
Glucose 80–82, 84–85, 87, 90–91, 300–302, 324, 330,
381, 382, 617, 621, 660, 664
oxidase, 629
oxidase-catalase enzyme system, 5, 77
phosphate, 382
Glucosidase, 674
Glutamic acid, 629
Glutathione, 75, 77
Glutelin, 574–575, 577
Gluten, 577, 582, 585, 619, 624–625
proteins, 617, 619
rye, 577
wheat, 577
Glutenin, 617, 619, 629
Glycation, 226, 232
Glycerol, 622
Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, 666
Glycine 80–82, 629
Glycogen degradation, 357
antemortem exhaustion, 357
asphyxia phenomena, 357
embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, 357
lactic acid accumulation, 357, 365
phosphorylase, 381, 382
rate, 357
reduction in pH, 357
Glycogen, 125, 300, 381, 382, 384
Glycolysis pathway, 5
Glycolysis, 5, 10, 300–302, 325–326, 332, 381, 382, 496,
645, 648, 654, 656, 665
Glycosyl hydrolase family, 579
GMP, 689, 701
Golden rice, 37
Goldfish, 382
Green meat, 364
Broadbill swordfish, 364
Tuna, 364
Grilling, 82
Ground state, 159f
Gruel, 624

HACCP, 689, 700, 701, 702
Hake, 382
Halotolerant lactic acid, 391
Hanes-Wolff plot, 163
HAP. SeeHeat stable alkaline proteinase
Hard water, 121–122

lime treatment of, 122
permanent hard water, 122
reverse osmosis treatment, 122
temporary hard water, 121
treatment of, 121
Harvesting, 515, 520, 537, 541, 554
Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP),
Health benefits, 611–612
Heat stable alkaline proteinase, 379, 389
Heat-induced markers, 83
Heat-labile, 393
Helicobacter pylori, 699
Heme group, 157
autoxidation 340
blood 339, 341, 345
bone 345
carbon monoxide 340
cardiac muscle 342
concentration 342, 343, 344
coordination bonds 340
denaturation 340, 341, 344
deoxymyoglobin 340
exsanguination 339
ferric state 340
ferrous state 340
hemoglobin 339, 342, 343, 345
metmyoglobin 340
microbiota 340
myoglobin 339, 340, 344
nitrates 343
Nitrites 340
nitrosomyoglobin 341
oxygen 340, 341
oxymyoglobin 340
protoporphyrin 340, 342
pseudomonas 344
red fibers 339
reducing enzymes 341
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, 165
Hepatitis A and E, 698, 699
Herring, 388, 390, 391, 392, 393
Heterocyclic amines, 82
Hexanal 77
Hexokinase, 381
Hexose transporters, 660
Hexylresorcinol, 75
Heyns compound, 80
HGA geranylgeranyl transferase (HGGT), 41–42
HGA phytyl transferase (HPT), 41
High activity dry yeast, 621
High fructose (corn) syrup, 8, 21
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 26,
28–31, 168, 169

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