Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
758 Index

L-ascorbic acid, 75
Latex agglutination assays, 737
LDH. SeeLactate dehydrogenase
Lecithin, 91
LEU4gene, 669
Leuconostoc, 597–598, 604, 606, 608–609
Leuconostoc citreum, 629
Lg-ATF1gene, 669
Ligases, 176
Limonin, 15
Lineweaver-Burk plot, 162
Lipase, 304–306, 318–319, 327–330, 332, 605, 618, 629,
Lipids, 27, 122, 295, 298–299, 489, 596, 602, 618, 665,
668, 670
browning, 88–90
degradation in seed germination, 13
fat crystallization, 608
fatty acids, free, 606
hydrolysis of, 123
metabolism, 503
oxidation, 88, 327, 329, 331–332, 390, 403, 409, 412
total lipid content analysis, 27
infrared method, 27
organic solvent extraction, 27
Soxhlet method, 27
supercritical fluid extraction, 27
types of fatty acids analysis, 28
gas chromatography, 28
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),
IUPAC-AOC-AOAC method, 28
Lipofuscins, 88
Lipolysis, 304, 311, 327–332, 598, 605–606, 644–645
Lipophilic substance, 115
Lipoxygenase, 12, 15, 88
Liquid H 2 O, 109. See alsoWater
boiling point, 113
density, 112
hard water, 121
phase transition, 109, 111, 113
properties of water, 109, 112
self-ionization of water, 115
triple point, 114
vapor pressure curve, 113
Listeria monocytogenes, 53, 292, 694, 696, 707, 715–716,
719, 722, 724, 726, 729, 732, 735, 737
listeriosis, 696
listerolysin, 715
outbreaks, 715
pathogenicity, 715
properties, 715
source, 715
Lobry de bruyn-Alberda van Ekenstein transformation, 83
Lock and key theory, 156

Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, 353, 360
Lowry method, 26
Lyases, 176
Lycopene -cyclase, 37
Lysine, 80–83, 88, 90, 629
Lysosome, 388, 390, 389, 390
Lysozyme, 54

Mackerel, 388, 390, 391, 392
Maillard reaction, 78–83, 88, 458, 624
Maize, 615–636
MALgene, 660, 661
posttranslational control, 664
posttranslational modification, 664
Malate, 670
Maltase, 661
Maltilol, 87
Malting, 660, 661, 662
germination, 662
kilning, 662
steeping, 662
Maltogenic -amylase, 20
Maltose, 80, 84, 260, 555, 561, 617, 621–622, 625, 660,
metabolism, 660
transporter, 660
Maltotetraose, 664
Maltotriose, 660, 664
metabolism, 660
Maltulose, 560, 561
Maltuloselysine, 80
Masa madre, 626
Mashing, 662
Masre, 626
Mass transfer limitation, 675
Matrix metalloproteinases, 388
Maturation, 663, 672, 675
Meat, 82, 291, 315
biological 338, 340
carotenes 338, 339
concentration 342, 343, 344
cytochromes 338,339, 340, 342
damage 338
heme 338, 340
Parma ham 342
photooxidation 345
tenderization, 9, 10, 21
Mediterranean sausages, 641
Melanins, 18
Melanoidins, 71, 80, 89, 226, 229
Melanosis, 365
Melondialdehyde, 233
Mesophilic cultures, 600–601, 604

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