Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
Index 767

Tagatose, 82
Taste, 320, 645, 650, 653–654
TCA cycle, 665, 670
Tea, 71, 75, 82
Technological processes, 88
Teleost, 381
Temperature, 80–85, 87, 89–91, 165
Testa, 568, 571, 616
Texture of tomato products, 277, 280, 284, 286
Texture, 305, 309, 320, 606, 608, 643, 653
Thawing, 384
Therapeutic enzymes, 191, 197, 208, 212
Thermal stability, 380
Thermal-processed seafood, 370
changes in tissue structure, 370
crabmeat extraction, 370
mild heating, 371
oxidation of myoglobin, 370
oxidation of oxymyoglobin, 370
protein coagulation, 370
Thermophilic cultures, 600–601, 604
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC), 169
Thiol compounds, 75, 77, 87
Threonine, 81
Ti plasmid (T-DNA), 36
disarmed ti plasmid, 36
engineered T-DNA, 36
virgene, 36
Tilapia, 388, 389
degradation/spoilage, 9
macro-structure, 9
microstructure, 9
Titin, 388
Titration, 118
equivalence point, 118
half equivalence point, 118
titration curve, 118
TMA/TMAO. SeeTrimethylamine
Tocopherol, 40–42
Tomato, 546, 547, 551, 553, 554
canned, 537, 543, 544, 545, 551, 553
genetically modified, 5
high pressure inactivation, 284
juice processing, 537, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549,
550, 551
thermal inactivation, 283
transgenic tomatoes, 21
Total volatile base, 359, 366
Toxoplasma, 697, 698, 707
Trans-2-nonenal, 373
Transaminase, 12, 176, 187, 201, 606
Transamination, 667

approaches 253, 260, 265
detection, 56–57
DNA artificial coding, 57, 58
real-time quantitative PCR (RT-PCR), 57
TaqMan probes, 57
cattle, 48–49
fish, 51–53
microorganisms, 53–56
plants, 36–47
poultry, 50–51
swine, 49–50
Transglutaminase (Protein-glutamine -glutamyl-
transferase), 12, 229–230, 233, 392
activity in seafood processing, 12
cross-linking occurrence`, 234
microbial transglutaminase, 233
operation pH and temperature ranges, 233
Streptoverticillium mobaraense, 233
uses in food, 233–235
Transition state, 158, 159, 181, 183, 184
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), 60
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), 60
mad cow disease (BSE), 60
Tri-acylglycerols, 298–299, 307–308, 318–319, 327–330
Triazine dyes, 201
Triglyceride, 389, 618
Trigycerides in fish, 360
Trimethylamine, (TMA), 358, 364, 385

  • N-oxide aldolase, 385 (TMAOase)

  • N-oxide, 379, 385
    oxidase, (tmaoase), 366
    oxide, (TMAO), 358, 364, 369, 380
    reductase, 379, 385
    Triticum aestivumL. xylanase inhibitor I (TAXI I), 579
    Trub, 661
    Trypsin, 389, 391, 393
    Tryptophol, 667
    Tuna, 358, 382, 388, 389, 390
    burnt tissue, 371
    honeycombing, 358, 371
    Turnover number, 380
    Two-dimensional electrophoresis, 403–405, 409, 415
    alkaline proteins, 404–405
    hydrophobic proteins, 404
    Tyramine. SeeAmines
    Tyrosinase, 72, 86–87
    Tyrosine, 73
    Tyrosol, 667

Ultrasound assisted thermal packaging, 88
Uracil-DNA N-glycolase, 393

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