Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
766 Index

Spectrofluorometric methods, 167, 168
Spectroscopy, 106
electromagnetic radiation, 106
energy level, 106
IR, infrared, 106
microwave, 107, 129
Planck, Max, 106
UV, ultraviolet, 107
visible light, 107
Spent grains, 661
Spiced sugar-salted, 390
Spices, 328, 643
Spoilage, 379, 383, 384, 385, 389, 690, 691
spoilage organisms, 691
Squid, 364, 393
Stability, 176, 179, 192, 194, 197, 199, 204, 208, 210
Staling, 624–625
Staphylococcus aureus, 692, 695, 697, 716–717, 732
enterotoxin A, 717
S. aureusenterotoxins, 717
Alpha-hemolysin, 717
sources, 716
symptoms, 717
Starch, 125, 568–570, 578, 582–584, 616, 622, 625, 660
amorphous, 569
amylopectin, 125
amylose, 125
animal starch. SeeGlycogen
blocklets, 569
bread-making, 583
crystalline, 569
degradation, 258, 259, 494
gelatinization, 569–570, 583, 624
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 569
enthalpy, 569
temperature, 569–570, 583
gelation, 570
growth rings, 569
importance, 253
industrial uses, 254
lamellae, 569
modification, 265
optical birefringence, 569
particle size distribution, 569
pasting, 570
retrogradation, 570
structure, 254
synthesis, 255, 256
X-ray diffraction, 569
yield, 260
Starch-sugar interconversions, 495
Starter cultures, 322, 328, 643–646, 648
State diagram, 128. SeePhase diagram
equilibrium solubility curve, 128

eutectic point, 128
glass transition temperature, Tg, 129
Steady state, 128
model, 161
rate, 160
Sterilization, 82
Sterol esters, 618
Sterols, 665
Stilbenes, 16
Stokes shift, 168
Storage 78, 82–84, 87–88, 90
Strawberry flavor, 15
Streptococci, 596–598, 604, 609–611
Stress, 382
Structure 176–179, 181–183, 187, 188, 190, 201, 204,
motifs, 179, 181, 204
primary, 176–179
quaternary, 181
secondary, 178, 179, 181
super secondary, 179. See alsomotifs
tertiary, 179
three-dimensional (3d), 178, 179, 182, 202, 204, 205
Stuffing, 647
Subcritical water, 113
Subcutaneous yellowing of flesh, 364
Substrate binding site, 182, 185
Subunit, 181
Succinate, 622
Succinate dehydrogenase, 670
Sucrose, 104, 255, 622, 660, 664
enthalpy of combustion, 104
Sugar signal, 258
Sugars 76, 80, 82–85, 87
Sugar-salted herring, 389
Sulfate, 673, 674
amino acids, 75
(thiol) oxidase, 233
Sulfites, 75, 87, 673, 674
agents, 18
dioxide, 671, 673
reductase, 673
Sulfurous odor of cruciferous vegetables, 15
Supercritical fluid extraction, 27
Supercritical water, 113, 114
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR), 735, 737
Surfactant, 624
Surimi, 12, 379, 391, 392, 393
Surrogate marker living test, 61
Swiss-MODEL sever, 156
Swiss-PDB Viewer, 156
Syneresis, 599, 602, 609, 611
Syrups, 661

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