Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. dulhna Apnao dUlho kao psaMd hO.
    dulhan apne du:lhe ko pasand h ́.
    bride refl-obl bridegroom-dat like is
    The bride is liked by her bridegroom.

Sentence (2) is not passive. The conjunct verb psaMd haonaa pasand hona:
to like takes a dative subject. Sentence (2), using the emphatic
pronoun, can be interpreted as follows:

2a. dulhna ]sako Apnao dUlho kao psaMd hO.
dulhan uske apne du:lhe ko pasand h ́.
bride her refl-obl bridegroom-dat like is
The bride is liked by her own bridegroom.

Reflexivity is expressed by the use of agentive reflexive pronouns.
This term is used to distinguish between the possessive reflexive
Apnaa apna: and non-possessive reflexive Apnao Aap apne a:p ‘self’. The
reflexive Apnao Aap apne a:p represents the main reflexive pronoun,
which when followed by a postposition, has the oblique form Apnao
apne. It also functions as an emphatic pronoun as in (1). The
emphatic form is also derived by adding the emphatic suffix -hIo -hi:
to it. The result is Aap hIo a:p hi:. The reduplicated form Apnao Aap apne
a:p also occurs as a reflexive.

  1. Aimat Aap/ Apnao Aap/ Aap hI yahaÐ Aayaa.
    amit a:p/apne a:p/a:p hi: yahã: a:ya:.
    Amit self -emp here came
    Amit came here by himself.

  2. maOM Apnao Aap Kanaa banaata hUÐ.
    m ́~ apne a:p kha:na: bana:ta: hũ:.
    I am refl food cook-pr am
    I cook my meals myself.

  3. hma Apnao Aap kpD,o Qaaoto hOM.
    ham apne a:p kapre dhote h ́~.
    we refl clothes wash-ptc are
    We wash our clothes ourselves.

  4. saumana Apnao Aap kpD,o [s~I krtI hO.
    suman apne a:p kapre istri: karti: h ́.

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