Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. vah poD, [sa poD, ko maukabalao maoM laMbaa nahIM hOO.
    vah per is per ke muka:ble mẽ lamba: nahĩ: h ́.
    that tree this tree-gen comparison in tall neg is
    That tree is not taller than this tree.

  2. ]sa laD,kI ko maukabalao maoM yah laD,kI bauiwmaana hOO.
    us larki: ke muka:ble mẽ yah larki: buddhima:n h ́.
    that girl-gen comparison-obl in this girl wise is
    This girl is wiser than that girl.

Adjectives used in a comparison can be modified by the adverb of
degree AiQak adhik more.

  1. yah Gar ]sa Gar sao AiQak baD,a hOO.
    yeh ghar us ghar se adhik bara: h ́.
    this house that-obl house comparison more big is
    This house is bigger than that one.

  2. vah pustk [sa pustk sao AiQak AcCI hOO.
    vah pustak is pustak se adhik acchi: h ́.
    that book this book comparison more good is
    That book is better than this one.

When two sentences are joined, the identical elements in the second
conjunct are usually deleted. Whereas forward deletion is possible,
backward deletion is not.

  1. Aimat ]tnaa caalaak nahIM hO ijatnaa ³caalaak ́ ]saka Baa[- hOOO.
    amit utna: ca:la:k nahĩ: h ́ jitna: (ca:la:k) uska: bha:i: h ́.
    Amit that much clever neg is as much (clever) his brother is
    Amit is not as clever as his brother.

12a. Aimat ]tnaa nahIM hO ijatnaa ]saka Baa[- caalaak hOOO.
amit utna: nahĩ: h ́ jitna: uska: bha:i: ca:la:k h ́

The deletion of the first occurrence of caalaak ca:la:k in sentence (12a)
results in the sentence being grammatically incorrect. The relative
correlative markers ijatnaa jitna: ]tnaa utna: cannot be deleted under
any circumstance.

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