Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. vah kmaro sao baahr inaklaa.
    vah kamre se ba:har nikla:.
    he room-obl outside set out
    He came out of the room.

Anterior location is expressed by the postposition ko saamanao ke sa:mne
‘in front of.’ It may also be followed by other postpositions like sao se
‘from,’or tk tak ‘up to.’

  1. ivaQyaalaya ko saamanao ek baaga hO.
    vidhya:lay ke sa:mne ek ba:g h ́.
    school in front of a garden is
    There is a garden in front of the school.’

  2. dukana ko saamanao sao basa inaklatI hO.
    duka:n ke sa:mne se bas nikalti: h ́.
    shop-gen front-obl from bus start-ptc is
    A bus starts in front of the shop.

  3. dukana ko saamanao tk saD,k hO.
    duka:n ke sa:mne tak sarak h ́.
    shop-gen in front-obl up to road is
    A road is built up to the front of the shop.

Posterior location is denoted by ko pICo ke pi:che ‘behind.

  1. ivaQyaalaya ko pICo ek dukana hO.
    vidhya:lay ke pi:che ek duka:n h ́.
    school-gen behind one shop is
    There is a shop behind the school.

  2. basa Asptala ko pIC sao jaatI hO.
    bas aspata:l ke pi:che se ja:ti: h ́
    bus hospital-gen behind-obl from go-ptc is
    A bus runs at the back of the hospital.

  3. Asptala ko pIC tk basa AatI hO.
    aspata:l ke pi:che tak bas a:ti: h ́
    hospital-gen behind-obl up to bus come-ptc is
    The bus comes up to the back side of the hospital.

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