Human Resources People Management

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  1. Highlight a position, employee name or vacancy and choose New. The
    Create New Entry window will open.

  2. Mark Create/edit the number of vacancies for this position and choose
    OK. The Vacancy Maintenance window will open.

  3. Enter the number of vacancies for this position.

  4. Choose Save.

To view changes in the Organization Explorer window, choose
Redisplay and then choose Expand All.

Creating a new employee record for a position

Use the Organization Explorer window to create a new employee record for
a position. If Always or Ask Each Time is marked for either Automatically
Create/Update Vacancies or Automatically Create/Update Organizational
Requisitions in the Human Resources Preferences window, the system
automatically will decrease the number of vacancies or requisitions for the
position being filled.

To create a new employee record for a vacant position, follow these
instructions. To assign an existing employee record to a vacant position,
refer to Transferring an employee to a vacant position on page 236.
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