Machine Drawing
158 Machine Drawing dharm d:\N-Design\Des10-1.pm5 1.5d 1.5d 1.5d 1.5d X–X d t^2 t^2 t X X p pr pr Fig. 10.14 Double riveted, dou ...
Riveted Joints 159 dharm d:\N-Design\Des10-1.pm5 1.5d 1.5d 1.5d 1.5d X–X d t^2 t^2 t X X pr p 0.5 p 0.5 p pr Fig. 10.15 Double r ...
160 Machine Drawing dharm d:\N-Design\Des10-1.pm5 10.6 How are boiler joints classified? 10.7 Differentiate between : (a) lap jo ...
161 WELDED JOINTS 11 11.1 Introduction Welding is an effective method of making permanent joints between two or more metal parts ...
162 Machine Drawing dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 (i) Elementary symbols (Table 11.1), (ii) Supplementary symbols (Table 11.2), ...
Welded Joints 163 dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 Table 11.1 Elementary welding symbols No. Designation Illustration Symbol Butt ...
164 Machine Drawing dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 Table 11.2 Supplementary welding symbols Shape of weld surface Symbol (a) Flat ...
Welded Joints 165 dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 No. Designation Representation Symbolization symbol either or (For number refer ...
166 Machine Drawing dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 11.2.2 Conventional Signs The two conventional signs used for welding as per B ...
Welded Joints 167 dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 to the weld is generally of no special significance (Fig. 11.6). However, in the ...
168 Machine Drawing dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 a 5 300 z 7 300 a z z=a 2 s l s l (a) For symmetrical welds only (c) To be wel ...
Welded Joints 169 dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 M G 1.5 to 3 Upto 6 60° 0to3 1.5 to 5 3to6 T<10 T>10 T >12 0to^3 60° 3t ...
170 Machine Drawing dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 Table 11.5 Dimensioning of welds No. Designation of welds Definition Inscripti ...
Welded Joints 171 dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 5. The arrow of the symbol must point towards the joint which requires welding ( ...
172 Machine Drawing dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 (a) R20 12 60 110 12 X 60 75 (^12) f 30 12 3 4 12 45° 3 10 R12 15° R10 3 2:1 D ...
Welded Joints 173 dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 110 Drill after welding 8 Z6 8 Z6 (^15121215) Z6 Z6 3 2 1 55 12 R20 f 30 f 20 55 ...
174 Machine Drawing dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 (c) Single U-butt weld, (d) Single J-butt weld, (e) Fillet weld, and (f) Conve ...
Welded Joints 175 dharm d:\N-Design\Des11-1.pm5 B 45° 48 24 M20 2 142 186 A 12 24 18 9 C^30 132 162 3 3 82 138 84 12 3 HOLES, DI ...
Journal 176 BEARINGS 12 12.1 Introduction Bearings are supports for shafts, providing stability, and free and smooth rotation. T ...
Bearings 177 dharm d:\N-Design\Des12-1.pm5 20 20 85 35 30 f 25 15 R25 OIL HOLE, DIA 1.5 CSK AT 90° TO DIA 3 R25 f 25 (^852015) 3 ...
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