Buddhism in India

(sharon) #1

314 Buddhism in India

views (ditthi), 103, 275, 279
viharas, 94, 95
Vijayawada, 156
Vikramasila, 170, 211
Vikramsila university, 177
Vinaya, 55, 97, 141, 162
Vindhyas, 117
vinnana, Seeconsciousness
violence, 41, 43, 50, 55, 72, 80;
question of, 168–72
Vishnu, 48, 160, 161, 164, 176,
200, 229
Vishnu Purana, 169
Visuddhimagga, 98
Vithoba, 200, 201, 204,
205–06, 207
Vivekananda, 234
volition, 59
Vrtra, 27n
vyakta, 38

Wainganga, 155
Waman, 229

water, 37
way to the cessation of sorrow, 4
Weber, Max, 19, 144–45, 146,
243, 280
welfare state, 71–76
wickedness, 75
women in Sangha, Buddha’s
reluctance, 10–11
women, 98–99; desire and
homelessness, 81–85; role, 36
world, 62; origin of, 59; three
characteristics, 59

Yadavas, 48
yajna, 49
Yajnavalkya, 47–48, 59
yakkhas, 95
Yavanas, 45, 169
Yogacara school, 108

Zarathushtra, 27
Zoroaster reformation, 40
Zoroastrianism, 15
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