Magic Motivation

(Steven Felgate) #1

easier to make decisions when you can weigh up the outcomes against your values.
You will experience a sense of internal alignment and authenticity when you live
according to your values. Your life purpose becomes clearer. Stress is reduced when
you consciously make choices aligned with your values. Living according to your own
value system makes life’s challenges seem less overwhelming

If your life choices are generally not in alignment with your values, you’ll feel
apathetic, unmotivated, conflicted and stressed. Motivation comes easily to those
who understand their values and make choices accordingly. When you choose a
project or goal that is well-aligned with your values, you don’t have to worry about
how to motivate yourself. Motivation will come naturally.

Journal work
How do your values compare with the table above? Do they match
the age group you are in? How do your values differ? What does this
say about you?

“Know thyself.”
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