Magic Motivation

(Steven Felgate) #1

  • that you’re unfriendly and withdrawn. When they interact with you, they’re
    reacting to their internal picture of you (not the real you!). So, you can see that this
    belief does not serve you well in life because if affects every interaction you have
    with people. It would be very useful to drop that belief and adapt a more
    empowering belief like, “People appreciate me.”

“If you don't get everything you want,
think of the things you don't get
that you don't want.”
Oscar Wilde

Journal work
Think about a goal of yours that you’ve never been able to achieve.
(Choose something realistic that in theory you should have been able
to do). Answer these questions in your journal:

 What's stopping me from achieving this goal?
 Where did this belief come from?
 Who gave me this belief?
 How do I feel about that person? Do I regard them highly and
respect them?
 What does this belief do for me?
 What is this belief costing me?
 How will my life be different if I let go of this limiting belief?
 What concrete evidence do I have to support this belief?
 What is the positive intention behind keeping this limiting
belief? (This belief is trying to do something good for you in
its own way – what is that?)
 How else can I satisfy this positive intention without relying
on this limiting belief?

Once you have identified some limiting beliefs, you can begin to work on changing them and
thus renewing your mental attitude.

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