Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

As Robert said, "Your mind is not your friend." Yet
most people accept spirituality as a progressive
exploration of spiritual concepts, as opposed to
dropping the mind and seeing oneself directly without
the intervention of thinking, the mind or concepts.
I think it is relatively easy to drop the mind when it
comes to our spiritual search. That is, through
meditation and repetitive hearing that the mind is not
the way, that through the mind one cannot find
freedom: one gradually really begins to practice
meditation and attains an empty mind rather quickly.
However, my experience is that most people
encapsulate this empty mind to a small part of their
lives; and no-mind, becoming nothing, does not extend
outwards to family or their everyday life, because it
would cause problems. Becoming unconventional is
risky. Even Robert held back some of his teachings
about consciousness, saying, “If I told them the entire
truth, I would be stoned.”
It is if for some, their spiritual life is totally
separated and disjointed from their everyday life. We
may be very spiritual in our meditation and getting rid
of spiritual concepts such as: karma, reincarnation,
guru, the void, emptiness, the Self; and yet remain
very prosaic and conventional when it comes to
pursuing our everyday life with our three children,
worn-out marriage, an unexciting career as a doctor,

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