Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Look, I am 70 years old. Maybe I have another ten
years of teaching. I am in a hurry too. I hate watching
people cling to their ideas of what a “perfect” teacher
is like, or how they should express themselves, or what
their inner state is like.
These concepts prevent you from realistically
seeing yourself as you are and becoming yourself,
because these concepts are filters by which you judge,
and thus accept or reject the teaching being offered,
and also accept or reject the energetic impact of the
teacher on you.
It is really, really difficult to come to a teacher
empty of concepts and judgments. And, this is
precisely what a teacher is trying to teach, how to
become empty of concepts, completely open. This is
why I attack your concepts about spirituality and
Move past your rejections and your limiting
concepts, and behold, Nisargadatta the Terrible!
Please listen clearly. I am not bashing gurus or
their methods. I am bashing the words they use. It is
words read 100 or 1000 years later by someone in
Buffalo N.Y. that can trap that person into an
idealization of both Ramana, the picture painted of
him by many disciples, and his teachings about
consciousness. This poor guy or girl may have nothing

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