Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

On the other hand, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
Siddharameshwar, and I direct you to look within for
the ‘I-feeling,’ the ‘I-sense,’ and when found, just rest
in it and love the sensation, and this will take you
inevitably to the Self.
Why the vast difference in experience and
understanding of these two “schools” of thought: the
Neo-Advaitins and the more classical Advaitins, such as
Nisargadatta and Ramana Maharshi?
There are three differences: The Neo-Advaitins do
not “believe” in deeper or more subtle levels of
consciousness as do the classical Advaitins, and
Western Depth psychology. They appear less capable of
introspection or inner work, being more on the surface
of consciousness. Their “inner” work appears
restricted to a sense of inner-seeing as their seeking is
essentially visual as opposed to tactile, kinesthetic, or
On the other hand, Nisargadatta, and those who
find the ‘I Am’ sense or feeling easily, are far more
kinesthetic. These people have an ability to feel
emotions and inner energies, Kundalini, Chi and Prana,
which are entirely invisible to the Neo-Advaitins.
These people are on fire so to speak, easily moved by
emotions, love, devotion, empathy for another, and
they have easy access to a world of phenomena that
are forever invisible to the Neo-Advaitins unless grace

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