Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

We Are Also Human Beings..........................................................

We had an interesting Satsang yesterday. We
moved in an entirely new direction. Rather than
talking about the Void, spiritual bodies, levels of
consciousness, meditation, etc., or how nothing you do
will ever result in awakening, we explored love,
loneliness, and fear directly in several participants in
our group.
We are so many things. We are consciousness, the
abstract awareness within consciousness, the pristine,
bright clarity state, the witness, the Self. But we are
also human beings with our wants, needs, and most
buried and unconscious pasts and vulnerabilities that
determine who we are and how we act even today.
Most often, flight to the "Absolute," to the
"witness," or to "pure love," are escapes from the real,
the underlying human existence in each of us that may
feel unseen, lost, confused, hurt and unloved.
I received an email to this effect yesterday. It
reads:"Is the point to remain in that farthest back
place of non-judging, non-thinking space as frequently
as possible?
I have been going back and forth between the
monastery and living within society during the past 3

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