Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Why on earth would I want to rush through this
experience? It is new; it is deep and totally involving
and allows me to see how everything is put together.
Why rush? Red died just five days ago, how much time
are you allowing? One day? Three? Five? A year? It does
not matter; it is unfolding at its own pace.
As a matter of fact, you will find few teachers
anywhere describing their inner states this way. They
want you to project what it is you want into them,
such as: peacefulness, vitality, love, and anything they
might state about what they really think or feel could
lead to the busting of your projections.
Also, many teachers believe that students do not
want them to be seen as anything like their students,
for what is there to learn then? But really, everyone is
about the same.
What I am trying to show you is how to stay with
feelings no matter how "apparently" painful they may
appear to persons not used to feeling deeply. You need
to have patience for as long as the process lasts, no
matter how deep or “painful” the feeling may initially
feel. This means you need to trust yourself.
If you cannot feel deeply, you cannot stay still long
enough to feel and enjoy the voids, or create the
space for bliss and ecstasies either. You can watch all
this stuff pass through ‘YOU’, who is unmoving. You

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