Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

experiences, such as emptiness, love, ecstasy,
Kundalini and Chi energies, auras and healing, silence
and peace, and each could take months to explore.
Other rooms are not so nice to dwell in, but they need
to be explored also or else they keep showing up at
the oddest and most inconvenient times, demanding
There are vast riches inside, many, many kinds of
emptiness and Voids that act as containers for all inner
and outer experiences. There is love and self-love, so
deep, so vast, yet so ephemeral and so sweet that you
will drop to your knees in awe and utter shock at the
grace someone or something has bestowed on you. You
can feel love as grace, as healing, as an all-filling
sweet fragrance that then dissipates into objectless
samadhis and utter devotion to God or consciousness,
whatever interpretation you bring to that experience.
You will have experiences of the rising of a deep
power and energy from inside your torso and heart
that arises and shows you, the human you, the
splendor of your true deepest Self, the ‘I Am’, the so
called Fourth State of Turiya that Ramana and
Nisargadatta talk about.
You truly will experience love so deep you feel like
you no longer need to breathe and you become as light
as a cloud, totally complete and fulfilled, and this
experience will fill your life and body with such bliss

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