Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1
Constructing Content

<p>Power Outfitters Superhero Costume and Supply Company is
located in a nondescript building on Kirby Ave, a site that
once housed a large printing plant. Behind their modest
storefront is an expansive warehouse positively packed to
the portholes with paraphernalia.</p>

<p>Posted on August 9, 2011</p>
<p>© copyright Cape and Cowl Quarterly</p>
The footer element requires an end tag and can contain any flow elements, including sectioning
elements, but not a header or another footer. If it contains any sectioning elements (section, article,
aside, or nav), those sections might be appendices, bibliographies, lengthy license agreements, or
extensive footnotes. The footer element has no default styling except to display as a block-level element.
Also like the header element, if a footer appears inside a sectioning element, it relates only to that
section. If it appears in the document body without some other sectioning ancestor, it relates to the entire
document or even to the entire website.

Required Attributes

There are no required attributes for the footer element.

Optional Attributes

The footer element doesn’t have any optional attributes.

The header and footer elements aren’t true sectioning elements in that they don’t
necessarily define a self-contained block of content, don’t establish a new sectioning
root, and don’t belong to the sectioning content model. But they’re both so closely
associated with sectioning elements we felt it was sensible to cover them at this point in
the chapter.


Another new element in HTML5, aside designates a section of tangential content—content that supports
and enhances the main content, but isn’t an essential part of it. It’s optional information that you could
easily remove without harming the reader’s understanding of the primary content. An aside element might
contain additional commentary, background information, a glossary of terms, a collection of related links, a
pull quote, or even advertising if the ads are relevant to the content.
The sort of secondary content you would include in an aside element is often called a sidebar in
publishing, and that term is common in web design as well, but the words “sidebar” and “aside” don’t
necessarily mean a position on the left or right side of the main content. Use aside appropriately for
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