The Definitive Book of Body Language

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Eye Signals

with mental activity associated with problem solving, reaching
maximum dilation as a person arrives at the solution.
We applied this research to the business world and demon-
strated how people rate models in photographs as more
attractive if the photo has been altered to make the pupil area
larger. This was an effective way to increase the sales of any
product that used a close-up of the face, such as women's cos-
metics, hair products and clothing. Using brochures in a direct
mail campaign, we were able to help increase the direct cata-
logue sales of Revlon lipsticks by 45% by enlarging the pupil
size of the models in the photographs.

Which picture do you find more attractive?

The eyes are a key signal in courtship and the purpose of eye
make-up is to emphasise eye display. If a woman is attracted to
a man, she will dilate her pupils at him and he is likely to
decode this signal correctly without knowing it. This is why
romantic encounters are most successful in dimly lit places
because everyone's pupils dilate and create the impression that
couples are interested in each other.

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