The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

establish what the sex of the person is and then a second time
to determine a level of interest in them. This gaze is across the
eyes and below the chin to lower parts of the person's body. In
close encounters, it's the triangular area between the eyes and
the chest and for distant gazing it's from the eyes to the groin
or below.
Men and women use this gaze to show interest in each other
and those who are interested will return the gaze. We usually
give two quick glances and then look at their face and, despite
most people's strong denials about it, hidden camera studies
reveal that everyone does it, including nuns.
As we said earlier, a woman's wider-ranging
peripheral vision, however, allows her to check
out a man's body from head to toe without
getting caught. Male tunnel vision is why a
man will move his gaze up and down a
woman's body in a very obvious way. This is
also the reason why men are constantly
accused of ogling women's bodies at close
range but women are rarely accused of the
same, even though research shows that women do more of it
than men. It's not that men are bigger oglers than women -
men's tunnel vision means they keep getting caught.

The Intimate
Gaze zone

Women's wider peripheral vision means never getting caught;
Men's Tunnel Vision means always getting caught
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