The Definitive Book of Body Language

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Eye Signals

Looking down towards the ground during conversation serves
different purposes for men and women. For a man, it lets him
give a woman the once over. For a woman, it has the dual
purpose of letting her check him out and at the same time send
a submissive signal of looking away and down.

Why do men have trouble making eye contact?
Breasts don't have eyes.

3.The Power Gaze
Imagine the person has a third eye in the
centre of their forehead and look in a triangu-
lar area between the person's 'three' eyes. The
impact this gaze has on the other person has
to be experienced to be believed.
Not only does it change the atmosphere to
very serious, it can stop a bore dead in their
tracks. By keeping your gaze directed at this
area, you keep the screws firmly on them.
Provided your gaze doesn't drop below the level of their
eyes, the pressure will stay on them. Never use this in friendly
or romantic encounters. But it works a treat on the person who
you want to intimidate or on the person who simply won't
shut up.

The Power Stare
If you have soft, weak or wimpy eyes practise using the Power
Stare to give yourself more authority. When you are under
attack from someone, try not to blink while maintaining
eye contact. When you look at the attacker, narrow your
eyelids and focus closely on the person. This is what pred-
atory animals do just before they strike their prey. When
you pan your eyes from one person to another without blink-
ing it has an unnerving effect on anyone who watches you
do it.

The Power Gaze
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