Language and the Internet

(Martin Jones) #1

262 Index of topics

gender (cont.)
online, 51, 166–7
specific forms, 106
Genie, 230
genres, 6, 92, 173, 198
German, 21, 217, 218, 219
gestures, 36
global medium, 24
Global Reach, 218
global village, 5–6, 59
globalization, 2, 76, 227, 240
gods, 175
gossip, 168–9, 186
graffiti, 58
grammar, 108, 165, 195
checkers, 67, 212
non-standard, 165
punctuation used, 89
shibboleths, 63–4, 108
features, 8, 40–1, 91–2
parsing, 233
words, 215
accents, 167
design, 44, 46–7, 195, 199, 205, 230
features, 7–8, 26, 46–7, 124, 195–7
translatability, 47
graphics files, 124
graphology, 8, 19, 87–91, 123–4,
195, 223
dynamic, 201
variation, 214
automatic, 154
in chatgroups, 140–2, 154–5
in e-mails, 99–102, 125
groups (Usenet)seenewsgroups
guests, 60, 176
guidelinesseestyle manuals

hacker ethic, 69
hackers, 67–70, 83–4, 90–3
handwriting, 195–6
recognition, 226
harassment, 51, 54, 127, 168, 176, 229
hardware terminology, 82
hash mark, 89
header wars, 95
headers, 95–9, 109, 111, 125
headings on Web pages, 205

hellosequences, 141
helplines, 131
heraldry, 215
highlighting, 208
Hindi, 166, 222
holography, 226
homo loquens, 242
hosts, 3, 133
hot spots, 197
HTML, 35, 69, 91, 123, 198, 205, 230
HTTPseeHyper Text Transfer Protocol
Human Languages Page, 219
humour, 36, 127, 147, 182
Hungarian, 21
hyper-, 83
hyperpersonal community, 169
hypertext, 202–4
links, 46, 114, 124, 197, 201–4
HyperText Transfer Protocol, 13, 216
hyphenation, 75, 80, 165
for visual effect, 124
in e-addresses, 97
normalizing, 214
repeated, 89
unifying words, 214
I, use of, 147

  • icon,83
    IDseeidentification of sender
    ideation, 58
    ideational component, 144
    identification of sender (in e-mails),
    hacker, 68
    of people online, 51, 59–60, 105, 150,
    160, 165–6, 189
    of Netspeak as a medium, 6, 62–93
    idioms, 8
    idiosyncrasy, linguistic, 60, 111, 139, 147,
    161, 189, 207
    idling, 53
    illegibility, 46
    imaginary subject-matter, 171
    impoliteness, 1
    impression formation, 16, 40, 104
    impressionism, 73–4
    imps, 175
    inbox, 96
    incaps, 87–8
    incompatibility, 190–1

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