(Frankie) #1

previously and the practical experience will altogether influence future acquisitions and
performance (Bezanson, 1990).

These remarks are important on the one hand to understand the way the battery is
constructed and the choice of tests composing it, as well as the tasks proposed.

On the other hand, in order to fulfil a task required by a certain item, combinations – to
different extent – of several types of aptitudes (often specialized) are necessary. Research
has confirmed that several factors (occasionally different) contribute to the successful
manifestation of an aptitude. There are, of course, tasks only calling for a certain aptitude:
for example, for calculus at least an average numerical aptitude. For this reason, the
counsellors must take into account the job requirements (from the point of the abilities
involved) and what a person can “cover” from this range of requirements.

GATB may highlight the range of general aptitudes that each individual has to a different
extent and in combinations, often unique. The results obtained in the general aptitude
measurement tests, in order to be of use to clients, must be “translated”, “decoded” into
useful and relevant information so that they can choose a relevant occupation.

To sum up, by the use of GATB counsellors will be able to help clients with:

  • self-knowledge in terms of strengths and weaknesses;

  • identifying their position with respect to the others and the labour market;

  • identifying their aptitude potential for certain job domains and the general or
    specific occupation clusters (for which they have resources, due to the
    transferable skills or ability to learn).

Method presentation

As mentioned above, GATB is a set of general aptitude tests aiming to support clients
with vocational guidance, entering the labour market, starting successfully with the social
and professional life.

Administration time for the 12 subtests (8 paper-pencil and 4 machine-operated) is 48
minutes on the average. Nevertheless, it has been found that occasionally the time can
extend to 2 and a half hours, including demonstrations and practical tests; the test can
however be divided into (three) stages, for example on different days: Test – Booklet 1,
Test – Booklet 2, Machine-operated test.

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