(Frankie) #1

The complete GATB is made of:

  1. Materials required during testing:
     Test – Booklet 1 (Forms A and B)
     Test – Booklet 2 (Forms A and B)
     Answer sheet for the sub-test no. 8
     Answer sheet
     Manual dexterity board
     Finger dexterity board

  2. Materials for administration and scoring:
     Scoring plastic grid
     Results sheet
     Profile sheet

  3. Manuals and interpretation aids
     Manual – Section I – Administration and scoring
     Manual – Section II – Norms. Occupational aptitudes patterns
     Manual – Section III – Development
     Manual – Section IV – Norms. Specific occupations
     Interpretation aid charts
     Indicator sheet
     Self-assessment sheet

The 12 subtests in GATB are as follows:

  1. Name comparison. Task duration: 6 minutes

The test requires comparing two name columns. The respondent, on examining each pair
of names, each in a different column, shows in which pairs the names are identical or

The subtest measures the perception aptitudes necessary in clerical work.

  1. Computation. Task duration: 6 minutes

The test consists in arithmetic operations with integers: addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.

The subtest measures the numerical aptitudes.

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