(Frankie) #1

Presentation Letter

Angela MUSC Ă
Institute of Educational Sciences, Bucharest

Method presentation

The presentation letter accompanies a CV and its role is that of drawing the employer’s
attention to the applicant’s aspects of training or experience in accordance with the
requirements of the position. If a CV is exhaustive and includes a maximum of
information ordered in specific sections, the letter only highlights certain elements of the
CV, adapted to each employer.

The following terms are also used in the literature: intention / application / motivation

The presentation letter is a succinct form of self-characterization that presents an
applicant’s qualities, interests and motivations. It will be personalized so as to make it
evident that it has been especially written for the respective position. In the writing of the
presentation letter the same rules will be followed as in writing a CV, but there are some
specific characteristics.

The presentation letter is different from a Thank-You Letter. The latter – rather rarely
used – is addressed to the interviewer or the reference giver; the message in these cases
proves the applicant’s positive attitude and remind the employer of the qualifications,
competences and willingness to take part in another interview.

As regards contents, there are certain conditions:

  • it must be clear, precise, brief;

  • it must raise the employer’s interest so as to invite the applicant to an

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