(Frankie) #1

  • competence evaluation tests (requiring the observation of the subject in a real
    work environment, or in a work simulation, as well as questionnaires);

  • interest questionnaires;

  • computerized instruments.

The role of the counsellor
A career counsellor follows ethical principles, and ensures evaluation test and
questionnaire result confidentiality. Screening could represent a moment of clash between
occasionally contradictory instances of logic. A counsellor must seize the inadequacy
between social and individual requests, try and quantify the gap between the official
discourse and the reality of practice. A counsellor views people in their complexity,
respecting their interests and autonomy. This approach requires a set of professional
competences (psychological, socio-economic, legal), and personal qualities such as
tolerance, openness, spontaneity, flexibility, empathy.

Evaluation of competence screening

In France there was a national analysis inquiry of the competence screening efficiency in
relation to the beneficiaries’ expectations. 372 beneficiaries participated from 84
Inter-Institutional Competence Screening Centres (Guichard, Huteau, 2001). Of these,
67% were seeking for a job.

Expectations were related to:

  • self-knowledge;

    • guidance with a view to:
       choosing a training course,
       elaborating a project,
       changing jobs,
       choosing a new profession,
       finding the first employment;

    • professional development:
       recognition of competences,
       professional development,
       taking on new responsibilities.

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