(Frankie) #1


  • Summary: a synthesis of the more important aspects and solutions in a few
    lines, containing: the definition of the problem, the solutions proposed, and
    the arguments in favour of each.

  • Problem : the main problem(s) the characters face; not anyone reading the
    case should be expected to be able to identify the problem, this is why it is
    necessary to present it/them succinctly.

  • Alternatives: listing all relevant alternatives, arguments and
    counterarguments, limitations and obstacles for each alternative.

  • Conclusions: analysis and the logic behind the choice of a certain solution,
    reasons for rejecting the other alternatives.

  • Implementation: action plan leading to implementation of decision, so that
    the reader should see not just why a certain solution has been chosen, but also
    the way in which it will be put into practice and the consequences of this

Oral report

In order to present the report a member of the group / team will be chosen. Each member
must be prepared to present the results of their teamwork and be capable of commenting
and arguing the choices made. Preparation for an oral report will include:

  • Description of the case: short introduction to the case.

  • Definition of the problem : presentation of the problem the characters in the
    case are facing.

  • Analysis of alternatives: concise presentation of possible solution

  • Conclusions: the reasons for choosing a certain alternative over others.

  • Implementation: implementation plan.

In oral presentations, the time allowed is rather short, which means that only the most
important aspects will be put forth. It may be asked to present only the conclusions and
answer questions.


Case study is one of the most challenging methods in career counselling and should not
be slighted. Properly approached, case studies offer the possibility of developing
decision-making abilities, which may successfully be transferred to concrete career-
related and personal problems.

By presenting solutions from other case studies to clients facing personal struggles, a
warning will be issued on the potential problems they themselves may face. The abilities

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