(Frankie) #1

of setting aim, analysis of possible alternatives, decision-making, developing an action
plan, etc. will be useful in real life situations. The report will also enhance the ability of
synthetic expression (oral or in writing), of arguing and defending one’s own opinions.
The role of the counsellor is to organize and monitor the process, enhance discussions,
make sure that communication rules are followed, and alleviate conflicts.

Target population

In career counselling, case study may be applied to working with all target groups: pupils,
undergraduate students, adults, unemployed, handicapped persons, etc. Small groups are
best (5-6 or 10-12 people), but the method is also suitable with larger groups divided in
subgroups / teams, with different tasks.

Examples, case studies, exercises

There are currently many sites on the Internet offering examples of case studies in various
fields: medicine, law, agriculture, business, psychology.

Counsellors must have a portfolio of case studies representative for their domain that
should be usable in counselling sessions or classes. A portfolio may include cases
encountered in their own activity, in real life situations, or may be taken from the media,
if sufficient details are available to outline an authentic case. Even a difficult situation in
the counselling group may be considered a case and treated accordingly.

There are situations where the participants are asked to create their own case – from the
their personal experience, or a significant case from their social or professional circle.
They are free to choose not to expose their personal situation as a case (counsellors must
make sure that participants really wish to place their personal situation at the disposal of
the group, and that the consequences are understood).

Example I:

M aged 16 is a second year pupil in vocational school, specialization in construction
painting. His family makes a modest income. After 1990 his parents lost their job, and on
losing unemployment benefit and social aid their material situation worsens. An older
brother and sister left home when they found a job. The father suffers from tuberculosis
and is an alcoholic, and the atmosphere at home is more and more disagreeable. M seeks
to hide his circumstances especially from his classmates. His dream is to continue his

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