(Frankie) #1
initiation of solution procedures. The team offers support, which leads to
decreasing pressure, increasing confidence and performance;

  • developing communication and thinking abilities, encouraging critical
    analysis and active participation;

  • stimulating confrontation with authentic problems, which require using
    abilities similar to those in real life;

  • research has proved that case study leads to finalizing tasks on time. The
    interest generated by cases presented combined with support form the team /
    colleagues leads to an increase in efficiency and mood improvement;

  • after using the method for solving several cases, it can be found that this
    procedure is an interesting and rewarding learning method. Success in one’s
    personal career will represent the real reward for the time spent in case


  • the study of one case cannot offer a basis for relevant generalization;

  • the method is not efficient to put across an information / scientific content;

  • it is difficult to evaluate the contribution of each team member to the
    solutioning of case, and the impact felt by the actors involved.


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Consilierea carierei adulţilor (2003). M. Jigău (coord.). Bucureşti, Editura Afir.

Gugel, G. (2002). Metode de lucru în educa ţia adulţilor. Timişoara, Editura Waldpress.

Jigău, M. (2001). Consilierea carierei. Bucureşti, Editura Sigma.

Michaelsen, Larry K. (1992). Team learning: A Comprehensive approach for harnessing
the power of small groups in higher education. In: To Improve the Academy. 11,
p. 107-122.

Mucchielli, R. (1982). Metode active în pedagogia adulţilor. Bucureşti, Editura Didactic ă
şi Pedagogică.

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