(Frankie) #1

studies and go to the faculty of constructions. But his parents put pressure on him to find
a job and help with the family income. There is much argument over this. M does not
know what to do, where to find guidance or financial support and this is why he seeks the
help of the counsellor.

Example II:

S is 22 and is a first year medical student. She is an only child and has never caused
problems to her parents. Her mother is a pharmacist and the father a reputed doctor.
Both advised S to go to medical school although she did not wish to. She took exam
several times until she succeeded, her parents gave her financial support. But S fails her
first year exams and announces her parents that she is quitting because she cannot
handle it. Moreover, she associates with people whom her mother describes as bad
influence. Her parents from where they live have no control over S. The mother seeks
counselling because S is not concerned with her future. She describes S timid and
vulnerable, with a liking for art (she went to a music high school and would have liked to
enter conservatory), but her parents did not consider this a successful profession and
decided she should go to medical school despite their daughter’s interest in another field.

Example III:

My name is Renata. I am 24 and I have 2 children. The daughter is 4 and the son only 6
months old. I have been out of work since I first gave birth. I started working in a fast
food restaurant ever since high school. After graduation I worked as a waitress and then I
stopped when I got pregnant with my first child. I enjoyed working, being independent,
but I found it hard to work when I was pregnant. The father of my daughter told me that
he would help, so I quit my job. But he didn’t stay with me for long, and we were fighting
all the time anyway. When the girl was three, I found a neighbour to look after her and
took a job as a telephone operator. I didn’t really like the job. I got pregnant again 3
months later. I continued working for a few months, but then quit. Now I don’t know what
to do: the children need looking after, but it is hard because I have no money and no one
to help me.

Method assessment


  • gaining experience in problem solving;

  • developing teamwork abilities, raises confidence and reduces anxiety.
    Naturally, when an individual is faced with a problem, anxiety may block

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