(Frankie) #1

The four steps

  1. What I do now? – Mihai used to work in constructions, but after his accident
    he stopped and contemplated his life at the moment. He thought of what he
    was interested in and realized he truly liked being in the woods.

  2. What do I have to know? – Mihai found out from authorized sources about
    the existence of a programme for training forest rangers.

  3. What alternatives I have? – Mihai analysed the opportunity of starting the
    training. He finally decided for it.

  4. What do I have to do? – Mihai planned starting the course in the respective
    autumn and followed his plan.

Exercise 3

The exercise below aims to identify a series of characteristics, based on which any person
can guide his/her career.

  • Attitudes are elements conditioned by behaviour (innate and acquired)
    through which the behaviour adapts to the environment.

  • Aptitudes are predispositions allowing carrying on with good results physical
    or mental activities. These are mainly innate, however can be developed or
    become poor, function of the stimuli in the daily life environment.

At the end, the person can identify his/her strengths and weaknesses, what can be
developed or is already high. The tables below help identify these characteristics:

Questions Yes No Don’t
I prefer to follow clear objectives when I work
I pay more attention to my work than to my family
I feel I am making an ethical and moral compromise with certain ideas or people
I am more attracted by the salary than by the work itself
Ideas condition my opinions about others and the way I relate to them
In my work I need to be appreciated by my boss or colleagues
I cherish security and stability at work more than anything
I consider mobility and change to be stimulating
I accept individual tasks
I like having power of decision in my work
I am enthusiastic about what I do
I like taking on responsibilities
I do not like working by myself
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