(Frankie) #1

  • the evolution of the values promoted in society, which places on the spot
    autonomy and personal development.

Activating vocational and personal development makes recourse to the experiences of the
subject, approached from a cognitive point of view (the heuristic principle) and
phenomenological (the experiential principle). According to ADVP, subjects go through a
series of stages in their development, each associated with a cognitive process, according
to the model of the intellect by Guilford:

  • “exploration ” presupposes the examination of existing possibilities and the
    active search for varied information on the self and the world, process based
    on divergent thinking;

  • “crystallization ” is done by ordering and structuring the information acquired
    in the previous stage, process based on conceptual thinking ;

  • “specification ” is similar to decision and is performed by making the right
    decision for the beneficiary, process that needs evaluative thinking ;

  • “realization ” means making the decision concrete, moving on to action,
    process associated with involving thinking.

Method presentation

Curricular area counselling and guidance was included in the National Curriculum in
Romania in the school year 1998-1999, creating thus a systematic framework for
individual and group counselling and guidance activities^13.

The Romanian Ministry of Education provisioned then for the following aspects:

“... curricular area counselling and guidance represents an organized meeting between
pupils and counsellor teachers authorized by the school administration board.”

The contents of the curricular area included:

a. counselling in efficient learning techniques;
b. school counselling and guidance;
c. counselling for pupils behind with their studies;

In fact, the full implementation of the Counselling and guidance curriculum – in especially designed classes
at all levels: general, secondary, high school and vocational school – started in 2006, after an ample training
stage at national level of all teachers current and candidates to the status of class master, called counsellor

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