(Frankie) #1

The structure of the current curriculum for primary and secondary school includes the
following components:

  • Framework objectives (goals to be reached at the end of each curricular

  • Values and attitudes (developed through the Counselling and guidance
    curriculum throughout schooling).

  • Reference objectives (derived from the framework objectives and specific for
    each year of study).

  • Examples of learning activities (activities meant to support the attainment of
    reference objectives).

  • Contents (elaborated in accordance with the needs and specificity of
    individual pupils and the class, and including the topics to support the
    attainment of reference objectives).

  • Methodological suggestions (examples of methods and techniques proposed
    to achieve contents and reach objectives; they include global and flexible
    recommendations regarding methods and techniques characteristic for each
    educational and training stage, without being compulsory).

  • Bibliography and resources (publications, websites, institutions to be
    consulted by counsellors and teachers for further information).

The curriculum for primary school considers the changes occurred in the structure of the
Romanian educational system, respecting the requirements regarding the start of
compulsory education at the age of 6. Counselling and guidance is only optionally taught
in primary school, with 0-1 classes per week, according to minister’s order no. 4686 of
2003 regarding the approval of the educational framework and curricula for 1 st and 2nd
grade. Thus, teachers can plan Counselling and guidance activities in each of the four
school years or only in certain years of the primary cycle, function of the needs and
specificity of the class.

The educational framework plan approved by minister’s order no. 3638 of 2001 stipulates
that in the gymnasium (lower secondary) cycle Counselling and guidance is compulsory
with 1 class per week. In addition, teachers may hold an optional course of Counselling
and guidance (0-1 classes per week if the school should so decide). The structure of the
current curriculum places the fundamentals of the compulsory Counselling and guidance
activities in secondary school, but suggestions are also offered for the optional classes,
according to the needs and requirements of the class.

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