(Frankie) #1

No. Name and first name Date and place of birth Occupation

  1. I. R. 22.06.1987, Sibiu 10 th grade pupil

  2. I. S. 14.04.1982, Sibiu 3 rd year student
    .... .... .... ....

Extended family: maternal grandmother, pensioner.

Family climate: favourable to education and development.

Living conditions: apartment owned by parents, made of 3 rooms and annexes, running water, gas
heating, electricity, good hygiene.

Family income per person: XXXX lei (total family budget). Other sources for covering the
necessities: relatives in the country.

Health: very good; specific childhood diseases, slight speech disorders – correctible
(dyslalia-sygmatism), recommendation: speech therapy.

School results:

General yearly

average Math Maternal language History

Physics English French Sports Behaviour

  1. 5 th 8,96 9,03 7,55 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

  2. 6 th 9,02 9,26 7,60 10 9 10 10 10 10 10

  3. 7 th 9,33 9,03 7,50 10 9 9 10 10 10 10
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

School competitions: mathematics; history (regional phase, 2nd place); English.

Psychological data:

Attention – stable focus, distributive.
Memory – superior logical-mathematical reasoning, very good memory.
IQ = 118 / Raven – Standard Progressive Matrix.
Creativity – imaginative personal initiative.
Language – slight dyslalia–sygmatism – non-maladaptive, correctable by therapy.
Temperament – dominantly sanguine-phlegmatic, extraverted, optimistic, prudent.
Personality – good colleague, disciplined, constant educational progress, organized,
assertive leader.
Aptitudes – cognitive-intellectual.
Special aptitudes – English.
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