(Frankie) #1
Affectivity – relatively well-balanced psycho-affectively; slight emotional instability.

Synthetic characterization:

Intelligence: I.Q.= 118.
Aptitudes or special interests: exact sciences and English.
More obvious personality traits: modest, disciplined, ambitious, organized, leader.
Dominant temperamental particularities: optimistic, cheerful.

Educational and professional guidance:

  • parents’ wish: medical school or related;

  • pupil’s aspirations: math or IT (considering his aptitudes for math and English);

  • teachers’ opinion: any science field.

Student record guide (that must accompany any practical model) recommends the
following steps in operating with student-related data: collection, quantification,
synthesis, and interpretation.

Method evaluation

Asked to “make an effort” and draft such a document, the teacher counsellor will consider
advantages and benefits for the client (pupil, student):

  • offers a synthetic characterization and a prognosis, by continuing, formative,
    and predictive assessment;

  • helps identifying and recognizing quickly and efficiently the essential aspects
    of personality that can generate emotional, social, behavioural, or learning

  • prevention of misfits, educational and social failures;

  • choosing the best approach to knowing the student (by strengths, weaknesses,
    opportunities and threats, important in school and social success);

  • integrating pupils with special education needs in “normal” schools and
    classes on the principle of inclusive education, by diminishing and
    eliminating discrimination;

  • identifying and capitalizing on aptitudes and talents;

  • educational and vocational guidance.

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