(Frankie) #1

Apendix 3

(Cristea, 2002)

General information on the pupil:

Name and first name: Date and place of birth:

Data on family (occupation of parents, place of work, siblings / their social status, material /
living conditions, income, etc.):

Socio-educational / family environment, hostel, lodging, etc. (conditions for study, attitude of
family towards school; role played by family / other factors in the pupil’s pedagogical

Results obtained in and outside the school:

Longitudinal study regarding the learning results (school year / subject matter / trimester /
annual point average / graph of school progress or regress):

Particular successes in and outside the school:

Problems with learning and social integration (at school, at home, in the community, etc.):

Physical development and state of health:

Medical antecedents (diseases, traumas, special situations):

Physical, physiological, sensorial deficiencies (sight, hearing etc.):

Health problems occurring during the school year:

Important medical recommendations (making use of the pupil’s medical record, together with
the school doctor and the family):

Psycho-pedagogical characterization (longitudinal-transversal: annual, final):

Sense of observation (superior perception):

Attention (focus, volume, stability, mobility, distribution):

Skills (efficiency, quickness, integration in learning, productive work, creation):


for learning: level of internalisation the reason for learning: fear, rewards, grades,
hierarchy of interest: knowledge / scientific, artistic, socio-human; practical /
technologic; industrial, agricultural, social-political, managerial, etc.

Affectivity (tendency towards emotional balance – unbalance):

Logical – mechanical memory, quick – slow:

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