(Frankie) #1


Luminiţa T ĂSICA
Institute of Educational Sciences, Bucharest


Origins of scenario go back into ancient times. Drama, considered the parent of all other
types of scenarios subsequently developed (strategic, anticipatory, socio-economic,
managerial, educational, simulative, therapeutic, etc.) is linked to the beginnings of the
stage art, especially early theatre. From written rudiments about the ceremonies of
prehistoric populations to current script-writing, the scenario technique has developed and
is sustained by theatre waves of development along with the society: ancient theatre,
medieval theatre, Renaissance theatre, classical, modern, realistic / surrealistic theatre.
Scenario truly becomes indispensable to the art of show only at the beginning of the 20th
century, with the advent of cinema, when script-writing has no choice but to become an
art like the other components of cinema making: directing, acting, music composition,
sound, stage design, etc.

Throughout the last century, the art of cinema gradually transforms itself into an industry
due to the technological evolution, and script writing becomes an independent field.
Today it is unanimously admitted that creating a script is an art requiring not only talent
but also superior training. More often than not, the value of a script, alongside directing
and acting, makes the success of a film.

The influence of the scenario technique has extended over other fields that have adapted
it successfully: culture (music, painting, literature, journalism, radio, public relations,
television etc.), medicine (psychotherapy), and education.

Military art uses it to develop specific tactical and strategic scenarios. The history of
military retains successful models of battle scenarios turned famous even in the ancient

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