(Frankie) #1

various markets. Every year there are tens of national and international scientific events
(seminars, conferences, exhibitions, fairs) dedicated to the phenomenon that is generically
called simulative model.

Theoretical background

Starting from the Latin ”simulare” (hide), the term has today a multitude of meanings.
According to context, the act of simulation presupposes imitation, pretence, counterfeit,
reproduction, modelling, claim, reconstruction, and false appearance. Hence the
development of method variants and levels of understanding: iconic, symbolic,

Iconic simulation is most widespread in social sciences, based on the common,
descriptive level of knowledge, is presented as simulation games in which relationships or
processes specific to groups, organizations or communities are represented by analogy.

Symbolic simulation is a continuation of the iconic simulation, consisting of the computer
reproduction of dense international networks and systems of social interactions for
prospective and evaluation purposes.

Formalized simulation studies interactively the system simulated in a formal, logical or
mathematical system, in a stochastic or determinist version.

The characteristics of simulation can be better seized if we analyse the versions used for
the levels mentioned:

  • it is a technique of reality exploration based on analogy or modelling;

  • it studies phenomena, relations and processes with a high degree of

  • it may have a playful, experimental or provisional, strategic nature;

  • it serves to explain abstract notions and theories;

  • it is a heuristic strategy;

  • it leads to the discovery of new knowledge, logical and causal relationships
    between already existing knowledge;

  • it consolidates and develops the oral expression skills;

  • it allows feedback regarding the consequences of certain actions;

  • it is a means of modelling thought, and developing decision-making capacity,
    imagination, creativity.

Simulation tends to become “... one of the strongest quasi-experimental research
technique in social sciences. The main validity criteria of application consist in achieving

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