(Frankie) #1
recruitment and employer branding need of companies, with respect to its most
dynamic segment, that of the young professionals. The Palace Hall, 26-27
October 2005” (Source:,,

Method evaluation

Educational fairs are an essential means of guidance and counselling because they offer
“a real opportunity of making a step forward for one’s educational and professional
future by access to credible, up to date information, on the educational and labour
market and on the opportunities they offer.” (


  • educational event, given the nature of the presentations;

  • dynamic and adapted to the clients’ needs in order to highlight the education
    and training offers;

  • product quality (“resource space”) is stressed, as well as the services offered;

  • stimulates the development of professional identity and preparing pupils for

  • addressed to a large audience, not only to young people enrolled in education;

  • immediate and up-to-date information on education, training, and career
    development opportunities as a basis for decision-making;

  • participants are engaged in observation, discussions, consulting the materials
    exhibited, exploration and organization of information;

  • strong links with the job fairs, an important step in career choice (education
    fairs also include workshops, conferences, festivals, interview simulations,
    meetings with employers, presentations of companies, career workshops);

  • facilitates the direct contact with key people in the field of education.


  • amount of information, on occasion insufficiently systematized, offered
    simultaneously to participants who are unable to evaluate and make

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