(Frankie) #1

  • develop efficient coping strategies;

  • take on responsibilities regarding one’s own vocational options and
    consequences of these decisions.

Target population

In principle, participant in a Job Club can be any person able to work^20 interested in
identifying and getting a job appropriate to one’s studies, professional competences,
aptitudes and interests.

A special target is nevertheless represented by disadvantaged persons and groups,
persons at risk of social marginalisation and exclusion:

  • long-term unemployed;

  • disabled persons;

  • the Roma population and others ethnic minorities;

  • young people from foster homes;

  • people over 45 in age;

  • women starting work after the maternal leave;

  • persons at risk of being trafficked;

  • repatriates, refugees or persons other some form of social protection.

Examples, case studies, exercises

The participant’s guide

This document shall be used as an information instrument both as regards the activities
and services provided to participants in the Job Club, and their obligations throughout the

(^20) Able to work is an indicator specific to the domain of labour; it refers to anyone of legal age for
employment, with physical and intellectual capacity to work, as well as the will to carry out a lucrative

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