(Frankie) #1

  • Throughout the Job Club the participants receive information on vacant
    positions on the labour market, the most efficient methods and techniques to
    identify and obtain these positions.

  • The counsellor provides participants with accurate and current information in
    accordance with the statements / offers made by employers.

  • Participants are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to
    the counsellor.

  • Participants let the staff of the counselling centre know as soon as they have
    found a job.

  • Information provided by the participants shall only be used by the counsellor
    in order to support them in identifying and getting a job. This information is
    highly confidential and shall not be revealed to a third party without

  • Participants make sure that they qualify regarding their studies, competences
    and experience before applying for a position.

  • Participants inform the employer and the counselling centre in due time in
    case they cannot attend the interview on the date previously set, for any
    reason. Participants who fail to keep an appointment with an employer and
    have no justifiable reasons shall be excluded from the Job Club programme.

  • Participants inform the staff of the counselling centre about any changes
    occurred in the personal data included in the registration form (e.g. change of
    address, telephone number, completing other studies, etc.).

  • Participants may request information related to the employment opportunities
    and shall be directed to additional sources of information regarding certain
    fields of interest, institutions or other specialists when the counselling centre
    does not have staff to solve collateral problems (e.g. medical assistance,
    psychotherapy, marital counselling, etc.).

  • If, during employment negotiations or after employment, there should arise
    any discontent regarding the employer’s behaviour, the latter being suspected
    of infringing the law, the participant shall be provided with all legal
    information regarding the rights and obligations of employees and employers,
    and legal advice. The decision to resorting to legal action belongs however to
    the participant.

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