(Frankie) #1

Registration form for the Job Club programme

Personal data

Last name: ................................. First name: .........................................

Date of birth: ............ Registration number (in the registry): .............................

Address: ............................................................................................

Telephone: .............................. E-mail: ................................................

Marital status: married , single , separated 

Nationality: ................................. Ethnic origin: .....................................

Studies (Describe separately each education form completed, starting with the most



Personal aptitudes and competences (acquired throughout one’s life and career, but do
not appear on any certificate or diploma):




Professional experience (Mention in turn each professional experience starting with the
most recent):



Fields of interest (check the field / occupation you would like):

Agriculture: agriculturist , fisherman , fish breeder , fruit tree grower ,
vintner , farmer , others (specify) ..........................................................

Commerce and services: sales agent , commercial agent , cleaning agent ,
hairdresser , shoemaker , others (specify) ................................................

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