Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

At the time when the Earth-globe was separated from
the parent mass, it included that part which is now our
Moon. On this great globe was evolving the life-wave now
passing through the human kingdom, also the life-waves
which entered evolution in the Sun, Moon, and Earth
Periods, and are now evolving through the animal, plant and
mineral kingdoms.
Mention has been made of the stragglers of various
Periods who in later Periods were enabled to take a step
upward in evolution. There were some, however, who did
not take this step. They did not evolve, and were therefore
left further and further behind, until they became a drag and
a hindrance to the progressive ones. It became necessary to
get them out of the way, that the evolution of the others
might not be retarded.
In the beginning of the Lemurian Epoch, these “failures”
(note that they werefailures, not merely stragglers) had
crystallized that part of the Earth occupied b y them to such a
degree that it became as a huge cinder or clinker, in the
otherwise soft and fiery Earth. They were a hindrance and an
obstruction, so they, with the part of the Earth they had
crystallized, were thrown out into space beyond recall. That
is the genesis of the Moon.

The seven Globes, A to G, inclusive, are the field of
Evolution. The Moon is the field of Disintegration.
If Earth had not segregated from the original Globe
which is now the Sun, the rapidity of the vibrations would
have disintegrated man's vehicles. He would have grown so
rapidly that the growth of the mushroom would seem slow
in comparison. He would have become old before he had

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