Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

touched upon. Strenuous in the extreme as they may seem, it
must be rememb er ed that the Lemurian b ody was not nearly
so high-strung as are the human bodies of the present day;
also that it was only by the very harshest measures that the
exceedingly dim consciousness could be touched at all. As
time went on and the consciousness became more and more
awakened, such extreme measures as those used then
became unnecessary and have passed away, but at that time
they were indispensable to arouse the slumbering forces of
the spirit to a consciousness of the outside world.
The education of the boys was designed especially to
develop the quality of Will. They were made to fight one
another, and these fights were extremely brutal. They were
impaled upon spits, with full power to release themselves,
but by exercising the will-power they were to remain there
in spite of the pain. They learned to make their muscles
tense, and to carry immense burdens by the exercise of the
The education of the girls was intended to promote the
development of the imaginative faculty. They also were
subjected to strenuous and severe treatment. They were put
out in the great forests, to let the sound of the wind in the
tree-tops speak to them and to listen to the furious outbursts
of flood and tempest. They thus learned to have no fear of
those paroxysms of nature and to perceive only the grandeur
of the warring elements. The frequent volcanic outbursts
were greatly valued as a means of education, being
particularly conducive to the awakening of the faculty of
Such educational methods would be entirely out of the
question at the present day, but they did not make the
Lemurian morbid, because he had no memory. No matter

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