Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

the dense body. As the two approached each other, man
gradually lost touch with the inner Worlds. They became
dimmer as the dense Physical World became clearer in
outline. Finally, in the last third of the Atlantean Epoch, the
point in the vital body was united to the corresponding point
in the dense body. Not until then did man become fully
awake in t he dens e P hysical World; but at the sa me time that
full sight and perception in the Physical World were gained,
the capability of perceiving the inner Worlds was gradually
lost to most of the people.
In an earlier time the Atlantean did not clearly perceive
the outline of an object or a person, but he saw the soul and
at once knew its attributes, whether they were beneficial to
him or otherwise. He knew whether the man or animal he
was regarding was kindly or inimically disposed toward
him. He was accurately taught by spiritual perception how to
deal with others and how to escape harm, therefore when the
Spiritual World gradually faded from his consciousness,
great was his sorrow at the loss.
The Rmoahals were the first of the Atlantean Races.
They had but little memory and that little was chiefly
connected with sensation. They remembered colors and
tones, and thus to some extent they evolved Feeling. The
Lemurian had entirely lacked Feeling, in the finer
signification of the word. He had the sense of touch, could
feel the physical sensations of pain, ease and comfort, but
not the mental and spiritual ones of joy, sorrow, sympathy
and antipathy.
With memory came to the Atlanteans the rudiments of a
language. They evolved words and no longer made use of
mere sounds, as did the Lemurians. The Rmoa hals bega n to
give names to things. They were yet a spiritual race and,

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