Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

fluid state, therefore those races fell behind and are
degenerating, with the remainder of the Atlantean Races.
As the heavy fogs of Atlantis condensed more and more,
the increased quantity of water gradually inundated that
continent, destroying the greater part of the population and
the evidences of their civilization.
Great numbers were driven from the doomed continent
by the floods, and wandered across Europe. The Mongolian
races are the descendants of those Atlantean refugees. The
Negroes and the savage races with curly hair, are the last
remnants of the Lemurians.

Central Asia was the cradle of the Aryan Races, who
descended from the Original Semites. Thence have the
different Races gone out. It is unnecessary to describe them
here, as historical researches have sufficiently revealed their
main features.
In the present (the Fifth or Aryan) Epoch, man came to
know the use of fire and other forces, the divine origin of
which was purposely withheld from him, that he might be
free to use them for higher purposes or his own
development. Therefore we have in this present Epoch two
classes: One looks upon this Earth and upon man as being of
divine origin; the other sees all things from a purely
utilitarian viewpoint.
The most advanced among humanity at the beginning of
the Aryan Epoch were given the higher Initiations, that they
might take the place of the messengers of God, i.e., the
Lords of Venus. Such human Initiates were from this time
forth the only mediators between God and man. Even they
did not appear publicly nor show any signs of wonders that

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