Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

may deny it, nevertheless at heart we know and
acknowledge the great truth that we are brothers and the hurt
of one is really felt by all. Such incidents, therefore, point
out the direction of evolution. The control of man by Reason
must be succeeded by that of Love, which at present acts
independent of and sometimes even contrary to the dictates
of Reason. The anomaly arises from the fact that Love, at
present, is rarely quite unselfish and our Reason is not
always tru e. In the “New Galilee,” t he coming S ixth Ep och,
Love will become unselfish and Reason will approve its
dictates. Universal Brotherhood shall then be fully realized,
each working for the good of all, because self-seeking will
be a thing of the past.
That this much-to-be-desired end may be attained, it will
be necessary to select another “chosen people” from the
pres ent stock to s erve as a nucleus from which the new Race
shall spring. This choosing is not to be done contrary to the
will of the chosen. Each man must choose for himself; he
mustwillingly enter the ranks.
Races are but an evanescent feature of evolution. Before
the end of the Lemurian Epoch there was a “chosen people,”
different from the ordinary humanity of that time, who
beca me t he a ncest ors of the Atla nt ean Races. From the fift h
race of those another “chosen people” was drawn, from
which the Aryan Races descended, of which there have been
five and will be two more. Before a new Epoch is ushered
in, however, there must b e “a new Heaven and a new earth”;
the physical features of the Earth will be changed and its
density decreased. There will be one Race at the beginning
of the next Epoch, but after that every thought and feeling of
Race will disappear. Humanity will again constitute one vast
Fellowship, regardless of all distinctions. Races are simply

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