Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

in a body had been proven, they were, as a last expedient,
scattered among all the nations of the earth. Despite all,
however, the extreme tenacity of this people has prevailed
even to the present day, the majority being yetorthodox. In
America, however, there is now a slight falling away. The
younger generation is commencing to marry outside the
Race. In time, an increasing number of bodies, with fewer
and fewer of the Race characteristics, will thus be provided
for the incarnating spirits of the Jews of the past. In this
manner will they be saved in spite of themselves. They
become “lost” by marrying into inferior Races; they will be
saved by amalgamating with those more advanced.
As the present Aryan Races are reasoning human
beings, capable of profiting by past experience, the logical
means of helping them is by telling them of past stages of
growth and the fate that overtook the disobedient Jews.
Those rebels had a written record of how their Leaders had
dealt with them. It set forth how they had been chosen and
rebelled; were punished; but were yet hopeful of ultimate
redemption. That record may be profitably used by us, that
we may learn hownot to act. It is immaterial that, in the
cours e of ages, it has become mutilated, and that the J ews of
today are still under the delusion of being “chosen people;”
the lesson that may be drawn from their experience is none
the less valid. We may learn how a “chosen people” may
harass their Leader, frustrate His plans, and become bound
to a Race for ages. Their experience should be a warning to
any future “chosen people”. This Paul points out in
unmistakable terms (Heb. 2: 2-3); “For if the word spoken
by angels was steadfast and every transgression and
disobedience received a just recompense of reward, How
shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” and Paul

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